Friday, February 18, 2022

Income Inequality - Wealth Inequality - Economic Inequality - Causes And Solutions.


Income Inequality -

Income Inequality in America.

In the United States, the income gap between the rich and everyone else has been growing markedly, by every major statistical measure, for more than 30 years.


Income inequality is the extent to which income is distributed unevenly among a population. 
Income includes the revenue streams from wages, salaries, interest on a savings account, dividends from shares of stock, rent, and profits from selling something for more than you paid for it. Unlike wealth statistics, income figures do not include the value of homes, stock, or other possessions. Income inequality refers to the extent to which income is distributed in an uneven.----------------Financial Knowledge - Financial Education / The Fundamental Of Investing / Everything Entrepreneurs - Investors - Traders -
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  • Important Moves to Grow Wealth This Year...

  • Earn Passive Income by Investing in Real Estate - Imagine getting a check in the mail every few months for just holding a little bit of money in an account. Sounds amazing, right?

  • Prepare for market volatility by diversifying in gold - Stock market volatility can be financially damaging, especially as you near retirement. You could move your investments into a savings account -

  • Index funds can be a good choice... The index fund is basically a type of mutual fund that works closely with the market index (stock market index). The index fund is a portfolio of stocks or bonds which mimics the structure as well as the performance of a financial market index.
Income Inequality in America...
According to an old saying, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” In America, there’s a lot of truth to that.

This growing gap between the wealthiest Americans and those struggling to get by on minimum wage is called income inequality. This gap exists in nearly all countries, but in the United States, it’s substantial and growing.

What factors influence income?

  • Your Education. Your education level has a large effect on your potential income and can increase your access to opportunities within a chosen field.
  • Your Skills. Your income potential, is directly linked to what skills you have and what you’re good at!
  • Economic Trends.
  • How income inequality is hurting America?
    With an increasing gap in income inequality between the top 1% and bottom 99% of citizens, negative repercussions Americas health care system are becoming more prominent. Income inequality has resulted in higher health insurance premiums (the most expensive of any developed country)
  • What can you and I do to reduce income inequality?
    • Improve Financial Education - talent - intelligence - drive - motivation - impulse-control - self-restraint - self-control - Ameliorate financial literacy - Maximize assets - minimize liabilities.

    How Unequal Are Americans?

    There are many ways to measure economic inequality. You can measure it in terms of household income, annual wages, or total wealth. But by every measure, the rich in America are getting richer while the rest are falling behind. 

  • Income Inequality in the United States
  • The Congressional Budget Office regularly analyzes the distribution of income in the United States and how that distribution has changed over time. As an update to that series, this report presents the distributions of household income, means-tested transfers, and federal taxes.

  • Since 1985, the average Wall Street bonus has increased 1,217 percent.

  •  Because the very rich can squirrel away much of their income, huge Wall Street bonuses don’t have nearly the stimulus effect as raising pay for low-wage workers who have to spend nearly every dollar they make. The sharp rise in Wall Street bonuses has also contributed to race and gender inequality, 

  • Men make up an overwhelming majority of top earners across the U.S. economy, even though women now represent almost half of the country’s workforce. 

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      Waiting out the current housing market also runs the risk that interest rates will rise.


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        Retire on Rental Income

        No one says it’s all rosy owning a rental property, but the potential to retire on rental income gives a good feel about the market; it is also a good source for passive income. You can own a rental property business for years, generate a high net worth and utilize the cash flow in supporting a retirement fund.

      4. High Leverage - One of the benefits of owning a rental property is that it gives you high leverage. It remains one of the top investments that allow you to get a loan quite easily. Real estate investors make money through rental income, appreciation, and profits generated by business activities that depend on the property.

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  • Income Inequality in the United States

    Gaps in earnings between America's most affluent and the rest of the country continue to grow year after year.
  • Racial discrimination in many forms, including in education, hiring, and pay practices, contributes to persistent earnings gaps. As of the second quarter of 2021, the median White worker made 27 percent more than the typical Black worker and around 30 percent more than the median Latinx worker, according to BLS data.

  • US Income Inequality Statistics

  • Top 1.0% of earners see wages up 157.8% since 1979

  • As Figure A shows, the top 1.0% of earners are now paid 157.8% more than they were in 1979. Even more impressive is that those in the top 0.1% had more than double that wage growth, up 340.7% since 1979 (Table 1). In contrast, wages for the bottom 90% only grew 23.9% in that time. Since the Great Recession, the bottom 90%, in contrast, experienced very modest wage growth, with annual wages—reflecting growing annual hours as well as higher hourly wages—up just 6.8% from 2009 to 2018. In contrast, the wages of the top 0.1% grew 19.2% during those nine years.

    Wages fell furthest among the top 0.1% and 1.0% of earners during the financial crisis from 2007 to 2009 and the top 0.1% in 2018 had not yet recovered their prior earnings in 2007

  • Incomes are rising especially fast at the top. The CBO report says after-tax income for the ultra-rich — the top 0.01% — has increased even faster than for the rest of the top 1%. And these figures don’t even account for the impact of the 2017 tax cuts. According to Forbes, the top 1% of earners saved 51 times as much in taxes from these cuts as the bottom 60%.

    Wage Inequality

    Wages only account for part of household income. The rich get a lot of their money from investments, and the poor get some from government benefits. However, even if you just look at paychecks, the most significant gains are at the top of the scale.

  • Wealth Inequality

    Income isn’t the only way to determine whether you’re rich or not. A better measure of wealth is net worth, the total value of everything you own minus everything you owe. But based on this scale, Americans are even more unequal

  • Income and wealth inequality are closely linked. Naturally, the more income you have, the faster you can build wealth. But having more wealth also helps you bring in more income through investments like stock dividends. In other words, it’s easy for the rich to get richer.

    Like income inequality, wealth inequality in America is growing. According to, it took only $200 million to make the first Forbes 400 list in 1982 (measured in 2020 dollars). The average wealth for that list was just $600 million. But wealth didn’t increase for everyone along the same curve. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER.

  • The wealth gap also shows up in places besides net worth. For instance, reports that white American families have much higher homeownership rates than Black or Latino families. And white college graduates carry significantly less student loan debt than their Black peers.

    Like income inequality in general, the racial wealth divide has grown over time.

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  • Effects of Economic Inequality

    Some people don’t see economic inequality as a problem. They believe as long as everyone is gradually getting wealthier, it doesn’t matter if some are gaining wealth faster than others.

    However, as the statistics show, we’re not all getting wealthier. The rich are, but incomes for the middle class are hardly moving from year to year.

  • Inequality and Poverty

    In general, more inequality in a society also means more poverty. A 2018 report from the London School of Economics shows that European countries with a less equal distribution of wealth tend to have a higher poverty rate.

    Less equal societies also tend to have lower economic mobility. In other words, the rich tend to stay rich, and the poor tend to stay poor. The children of the rich benefit from inherited money as well as better education and health. The poor suffer from disadvantages in the same areas that keep their children poor as well. ADVANTAGES OF INVESTING AND OWN REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES

    Real Estate Leverage
    Leverage is the use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital (e.g., debt) to increase an investment's potential return.
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    Build Equity and Wealth
    As you pay down a property mortgage, you build equity—an asset that's part of your net worth. And as you build equity, you have the leverage to buy more properties and increase cash flow and wealth even more.
    Real estate investors make money through rental income, any profits generated by property-dependent business activity, and appreciation. Real estate values tend to increase over time, and with a good investment, you can turn a profit when it's time to sell. Rents also tend to rise over time, which can lead to higher cash flow.
    Cash Flow
    Cash flow is the net income from a real estate investment after mortgage payments and operating expenses have been made. A key benefit of real estate investing is its ability to generate cash flow. In many cases, cash flow only strengthens over time as you pay down your mortgage—and build up your equity.
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Inequality and Education

The more money people have, the more they can afford to spend on educating their children. Even in countries with free public schools, the schools in more affluent areas can pay more for good teachers and other resources. Thus, countries with more income inequality and more poverty tend to have a less educated population.


  1. Ways to Supplement Social Security For The Years To Come...

  2. Your 30s - 40s 50s  (and beyond) is a great time to get serious about building your wealth. There's a good chance your career is taking off and you're earning more money than you ever have before. With upcoming expenses like college and retirement looming, investing smartly and saving money are more important than ever.
A. Owning rental properties for monthly cash-flow and equity build up.Earn passive income by investing in real estate

B. If you're thinking about saving for retirement, you can start investing in in a ROTH IRA and enjoy the tax benefits that come with retirement accounts.

Prepare for market volatility by diversifying in gold

C. Stock market volatility can be financially damaging, especially as you near retirement. You could move your investments into a savings account into bonds, treasury bsecurities, but have you seen interest rates lately? Another option to consider — diversify with gold, silver, platinum. Gold values are inversely correlated with the stock market and the dollar. When one goes down, the other usually goes up. If you want to protect your retirement funds.

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Team Of: Knowledge Financial Group -
Fixed income is an investment approach focused on preservation of capital and income. US treasuries, Municipal bonds, and Preferred Stocks For Dividend payments.  

Income Inequality

Are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?

Our statistics can shed some light on this. A large number of factors have been identified as contributing to changes in inequality, the root causes are still not entirely understood.

Understanding Wealth Inequality, Its Causes, and Solutions...

In economic terms, income inequality is thelarge disparity in how income is distributed between individuals, groups, populations, social classes, or countries. It is a major part of how we understand socioeconomic statuses, being how we identify the upper class, middle class, and working class.

  • National and global income inequality are becoming a growing issue that will need to be addressed. 
  • The top earners will benefit more from the economic recovery than the bottom earners will.
  • In the United States, the top 20% receive more than 50% of total income.
  • Inequality has grown thanks to outsourcing and companies replacing workers with technology. 
  • The United States could improve income inequality with employment training and investing in education.
  • -----------
  • Around 30% of American workers make less than $10.10 per hour. That creates an income below the federal poverty level. These are the people who wait on you every day. They include cashiers, fast food workers, and nurse's aides, and maybe even you.
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  • --------------
  • Causes

    Income inequality is blamed on cheap labor in China, unfair exchange rates, and job outsourcing. Corporations are often blamed for putting profits ahead of workers. But they must remain competitive. U.S. companies must compete with lower-priced Chinese and Indian companies who pay their workers much less.

    As a result, many companies have outsourced their high-tech and manufacturing jobs overseas. The United States has lost 36% of its factory jobs from 1980 to 2020. These were traditionally higher-paying union jobs. Service jobs have increased, but these are much lower paid.

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    Liquidity, Net Worth, and Net Income Are the Holy Trinity
    of Getting Rich

    If you want to know how to get rich, the secret comes down to three things:
    Liquidity - Net Worth - Income (Profitability)

    Your job is to maximize the three in a way that is consistent with living the life you desire, while doing
    whatever it is you love to do.

    If you want to be financially independent, you should strive to increase the percentage of your household's
    earnings that originates as passive income each year so your family doesn't have to rely on your labor to put food on the table, clothes on their backs, and a warm fire in the fireplace.
    Liquidity: The Liquid Resources You Keep on Hand for Opportunity or to Pay Bills
    Liquidity refers to how quickly you can convert your money into cash that can be spent or invested.

    Nearly all bankruptcy filings are ultimately the result of liquidity shortfalls; a bill or debt comes due and the
    money isn't in the bank. 
    This is the reason many financial advisors LIKE ANTHONY insist on having enough cash on hand or in the bank to cover At Least six months to twelve months worth of expenses so you or your business could survive financial catastrophy...

    Cash is king, and you should always have a decent amount of it available to protect yourself in the event of
    unpleasant surprises or in case opportunities come up that you didn't expect
    Net Worth: Assets Minus Liabilities -
    Your net worth is what you would have left if you sold
    everything you own and paid off all of your debts.  

    If you are successful, over time, your net worth should climb ever-higher.


    Ways to Handle Investment Market Volatility...

    1. Don’t let emotions rule your decisions.

    2. Stay invested (and diversified) for the eventual rebounds.

    By experience, we at: Knowledge Financial Group -
    and also the team of: Visionone Capital Management - 
    3. we can say with certainty:  Bulls are usually stronger than bears...
    Stock markets run in cycles: Bear markets (20%+ price drops over
    at least two months) become bull markets (20%+ gains), and the cycle repeats.
    But historically, the upturns have been much stronger and lasted much longer than the downturns.
    4. The moral: diversify. Invest in a wide range of assets based on your time horizon (how long until you’ll need your money) and risk tolerance (how well you handle the market’s ups and downs).  
    5. Emotional decisions are usually bad ones.
    Everyone wants to “buy low” and “sell high.” The problem is, most
    investors get caught up in the heat of the moment — and end up doing the opposite.

    6. Dollar-cost averaging can help volatility work for you Steady investing can pay off in choppy waters.

    When you invest a set amount of money at regular intervals, you automatically buy more shares when they’re cheap and fewer whenthey’re expensive.
    This strategy, known as dollar-cost averaging, lowers the average price you pay per share.
    Rebalancing can help you stay on track.
    As boxer Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. You might start out with an asset allocation — how much of your money to devote to different types of investments — suited to your goal and risk tolerance. But over time, market performance could put your portfolio out of whack.

    Example: Say your strategy calls for a mix of 65% equity (stock) investments and 35% fixed income (bonds).

    But since you last checked, your stock stake has grown to 75% (too
    risky) or, as in the recent market melee, fallen to 50% (not enoughgrowth potential)
    A all weather portfolio can help in most occasions.
    Femkonsa Capital Investment has like that: 30% in domestic stocks -
    15% in international stocks
    10% in emerging market stocks
    15% in US treasuries
    15% IN TIPS = treasury inflation protection security

    Whatever left we put it in real estate and precious metal.
    Unprecedented times can mean often unprecedented opportunities!

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    we're here to empower people to help them reach their full potential and achieve their financial goals..
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  • US Income Inequality Statistics

  • Deregulation means less stringent investigations into labor disputes. That also benefits businesses more than wage earners. Technology, not globalization, feeds income inequality. It has also replaced many workers at factory jobs. Those who have training in technology can get higher-paying jobs.

    During the 1990s, companies went public to gain more funds to invest in growth. Managers must now produce ever-larger profits to please stockholders. For most companies, payroll is the largest budget line item. Reengineering has led to doing more with fewer full-time employees. It also means hiring more contract and temporary employees. Immigrants, many in the country illegally, fill more low-paid service positions. They have less bargaining power to demand higher wage.

  • The average American still doesn't have enough income to buy a home. This lack is especially true for younger people who typically form new households. Without good jobs, they're stuck living at home or with roommates.

  • -------------

  • US Income Inequality Statistics to Know in 2021
  • 41.4% of Americans are classified as low-income or low-income families.
  • The top 1% earners make 20 times more than the bottom 90%.
  • The 1% have drained $50 trillion from the bottom 90% over the last 45 years.
  • From 2000 to 2020, the average salary for workers in America rose only 13.7%.
  • Men earn an average of 37% more than women.
  • One hundred of the country’s largest private landowners control 42 million acres.
  • The only group who’s done well over the last fifty years is the upper-income earners. Inequality statistics show that their share of the average income has increased by 29%. This means that a whopping 48% of income earned stateside goes to upper-income earners.

    That raises the question, what, if anything, can we do? It’s a thorny issue. Speak to any of the wealthy 1%, and they’ll say that they worked for the money. At the same time, though, it’s not difficult to grow your wealth when you have the disposable income to do so.

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  • ----------
    Unprecedented times can mean often unprecedented opportunities!

    We at knowledge financial group - -

    we're here to empower people to help them reach their full potential and achieve their financial goals..
    We're teaching personal finance - retirement planning - investing - real estate - insurance - tax strategies etc.
    Common Mistakes Young Investors Make...   
    Speculating Instead of Investing:
    A young investor is at an advantage in his or her investing life. Holding the level of wealth
    constant, an investor's age affects how much risk an he or she can take on.

    So, a young investor can seek out bigger returns by taking bigger risks. This is because if a young investor loses money, he or she has time to recover the losses through income
    Not Asking Enough Questions
    If a stock drops a lot, a young investor might expect it to bounce right back, but more often than not, it is down for good reason. One of the most important factors in forming
    investment decisions is asking why.
    If an asset is trading at half of an investor's perceived value, there is a reason and it is theinvestor's responsibility to find it.
    Not Investing -- 
    As mentioned earlier, an investor has the best ability to seek a higher return and take on higher risk when they have a long-term time horizon.
    Investors have their longest time horizons, and therefore a high tolerance for risk.
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  • Procrastinating:
    Procrastination is never good, but it can be especially detrimental while investing because the markets move so quickly.
    Good investment ideas are not always easy to find. If, after doing research, a good investment idea arises, it is important to act on it before the rest of the market takes note
    and beats you to it.
  • Income Inequality in the United States: The Wealth Gap

  • 1. The top 1% of earners make over 20 times as much as the bottom 90%.

    The gap between the rich and everyone else seems to be worsening. On average, the 1% earn over 20 times more per year than the bottom 90% of Americans. The disparity grows the higher up the ladder we climb. Even the mid-level one-percenters can’t approach the staggering amounts earned by the ultra-rich.

    2. The top 1% own more wealth than the bottom 90% combined.

  • 747 billionaires own two-thirds more than the bottom 50% of US households.

  • The bottom 50% own only $3 trillion in wealth, while the US billionaires own over $5 billion. Prior to the pandemic, they only owned as much as the bottom 50%, just shy of $3 trillion.
  • Five richest billionaires own 17% of total billionaire wealth.

  • Billionaires pay an effective federal income tax rate of 8.2% for the increased value of their stock.

  • Since most of their income comes from the increased value of their investments, billionaires don’t have to pay taxes on the increased wealth unless they sell their stocks, which is then taxed at a rate of 20% (plus NIIT of 3.8%). This is far lower than the 40.8% they’d have to pay if they received the equivalent salary.
  •  The 1% have siphoned away $50 trillion from the bottom 90% since 1975.

  • The top 20% own 63% of the wealth in America.

  • 89.7% of shares in America are owned by the wealthiest 10%.

  •  19.5% of African American families stateside lived below the poverty line in 2020.

  • The poverty rate amongst those aged over 25 years without a high school was 24.7% in 2020.

  • The minimum wage is still far below a living wage, and an important step towards ending wealth inequality in America is to start addressing the low wages earned by school leavers. Student loan debt statistics show that both college students and graduates are desperate for work to pay off their debt. 
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  • Social Problems - Those earning lower incomes might feel that they have to resort to crime to support themselves. They might also be more likely to start protest action, such as strikes which have a negative effect on the economy.

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  • More Health Issues - Those in the lower-income groups may not have the money for health insurance. Even if they do have health insurance, they might not want to lose a day’s wages to go off sick. Those without health insurance might miss out on critical care because they can’t afford healthcare. Being unable to work increases the wealth gap even more.

  • ------------
  • A Reduction in Economic Activity - If 60% of your population is living below the breadline, the economy suffers. Your propensity to spend directly correlates with the amount of disposable income you have. Low-income families don’t have the disposable income to waste money. They’re less likely to buy more than the basics. They’re also not able to afford the education that might help them secure better-paid work.

  • -------------- Reduced Access to Upskilling Opportunities - Citizens who are battling to make ends meet are less able to access programs to upskill themselves. This, in turn, lowers the supply of skilled labor in the country.
  • -------------- Lower Life Expectancy - Economic inequality reduces the overall life expectancy in a country. Low-income families may not have access to enough healthy food. They’re also more likely to suffer from stress. Finally, because they don’t have the same access to healthcare, their life expectancy is reduced
  • -------------- Reduced Labor Market Flexibility - The workplace has been evolving rapidly, thanks to advances in technology. Employees must learn to adapt in order to survive. Unfortunately, this often means having to be retrained. Low-income earners are less likely to have the resources or the time for this.
  • Inequality Statistics: Wealth Inequality - he combination of these factors impacts the overall economy. You’re in a situation where employees are walking wounded. In other words, they can’t perform at peak efficiency. The employees are also likely to be less motivated and could be distracted by personal issues. 

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